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Bold Underline strike

HELLO WORLD call me DIEBA si mata bolart. I'm the boss and the actress in my own world. You've stuck in my unprivate diary. Be nice here or i will make you cry!. HAHAHAHA

merah jambu ary niew
ary nie aku kna dtg k0lej awl...ary nie SHS da program tbaru...
mmg bez glerw...da mcm2 actvty...
aku ms0k susun botol ajerw...mmg bez..smua sepakat...aku bngga dgn smua...t'utama lect2 aku..
 niela hasil karya replika b'bntuk riben cancer yg di susun mnggunakan botol tpakai...
ukuran riben niew 15m x 10 m....
mmg pnat tp usaha b'baloi..ms0k malaysian b00k 0f rec0rd...
alhmdulillah...klau da usaha psty da kjayaan nyerw...